Japanese Kanji Tattoo design

Find a meaningful and aesthetic Kanji for your tatoo.

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Our Approach

Tattoo is a mean of expression for those who are artist at heart. It should be meaningful and should have a deep connection to you. Kanjis are beautiful. But it's hard to find the "right" one as you need to take into account various factors such as which character to use, what other meaninings does it have, aesthetics of the characters, and so on. We are a team of Japanese Kanji Experts and a Mexican Creative Director, formed with a love for the Japanese culture and tattoo. Each member has 5-10+ years of experience living outside of Japan. We fully understands the connotations and “vibe” of what is appropriate, cool, and worth the ink. We can find the best Kanji for you next tattoo.

What is Kotodama?

“Kotodama - 言霊 - ”. It means “the spirit of language” in Japanese. It refers to the Japanese belief that mystical powers dwell in words and name. What you say becomes who you are. Tattoos are more than an ink, it’s spirits that are engraved to show who you are and will be.

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Our Kanji Tattoo Design Process

Step 1Discovery.

We want to understand your idea. Once you fill out the contact form, we will send you a discovery form to fill out via email. We will contact you if we need more information.

Step 2Design.

Based on your answers, we will handpick the best Kanji for you. We will consider, styles, meaning, and design.

Step 3Present.

We will compile the work into a personalised cataogue for you to see. Digital file (image / stencil) of the chosen tattoo is available for download (optional plan).

Ready to tattoo!


What you will receive

  • x3 Handpicked personalised Kanji recommendation

  • x3 Kanji in three different styles

  • x1 A personalised pdf catalogue about the selected Kanji
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Our team of Kanji designers

Taiga Ogusu

A Japanese living in Tokyo. Also lived in New York, Wisconsin and London. Pursued liberal arts and education at Univesity City London (UCL).

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Reo Ogusu

A Japanese living in Leeds, UK. Lived in New York and Tokyo before that. Holds MSc degree from the University of Leeds. Does not go a day without reading Manga.


  • Kanji Design + Personalised catalogue: 50 USD
  • Kanji files (PNG, Adobe format): 10 USD per Kanji design, 15 USD for all designs
  • Kanji Redesign: 30 USD

Contact form

Contact us for any questions!